
Sunday, December 31, 2006


I carry my camera just about everywhere. My friend Angela calls me "the historian" because I take pictures of everything. Kenyon gets fed up with the camera some times. He usually says something like, "do you really need a picture of that?," why do you have to always pull out the camera?," or "baby, I really don't want to take a picture right now." We went to dinner the other night in Lawrence before attending a Jayhawk basketball game. Lawrence is a college town. I thought it would be fun to take Kenyon to one of the college hotspots - a KU institution - Johnny's Tavern. Kenyon went in to the bathroom to wash his hands and decided it wasn't a hygenic place to eat. Why? The bathroom was a mess. He heard on TV that 9 million Americans die annually due to bacteria. Surprise, surprise - he wanted the camera to take a picture. I thought I would share.

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