
Thursday, November 30, 2006

Winter has arrived

Tuesday was nearly 70 degrees, which is unusual for Kansas in late November. I was walking around campus noticing the t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops, thinking to myself how strange this was for being so late in the year. Well, as of more flip-flops! I don't like winter, but I especially don't like when it arrives abruptly and with a vengeance. It started with freezing rain. The storm included hail, sleet and more freezing rain. I cannot even count the number of accidents I witnessed yesterday while driving to and from Lawrence for class. At one point I called Kansas Highway Patrol from my cell phone to let them know about a couple of girls who had gone off the road. The response from the dispatcher was basically they are doing all they can, but they don't have enough officers to help everyone. Amazing! The temperature was close to 20 degrees. Brrrr! Poor Kenyon had to work on the FedEx distribution docs last night in the terrible weather. Today we are supposed to get inches of snow beginning this morning. It's hard to believe there were people walking around comfortably in shorts on Tuesday. What a difference a day makes!

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