
Sunday, July 02, 2006

Take a flying leap...

Yesterday I experienced a once in a lifetime event...for a second time. To commemorate Fiona's birthday we jumped out of an airplane. Yipeeeeee! I've described the experience as the closest a human being can get to flying. I'd still say that is true.

Fiona, her husband and I did a tandem jump (at different times, connected to experts not each other). They always start you off by instilling the fear of God in you. They put you in a room and play a video, the message: "You can die skydiving. You can die skydiving. You can die skydiving." The video explains the risk involved, then goes on to mention you've been told it's dangerous and you are assuming responsibility for your own person. In the event of an accident you, your heirs, your friends or any associate cannot sue the company, the pilot, the plane manufacturer, the parachute maker, the land owner or anyone else even vaguely associated with the experience. If someone does decide to sue, they are responsible to pay all legal fees for both parties (yes, you sign a paper agreeing to this). Who wants to sign up to jump out of an airplane now? ...I do, I do!

The experience is AWESOME! What an adrenaline rush! I think the second time was better than the first. The first time I was so concerned with what I should and shouldn't be doing, it happened so fast and my brain just couldn't process it all. The second time I knew what to expect. I felt like I really experienced it. I already want to do it again.

The free fall is the best part. That's when the flying happens. You are so far up (9000+ feet, approximately 2 miles in the air) your eyes have no depth perception. You don't know you are getting closer to the ground until much later. There are 100 MPH winds pushing against you. If you open your mouth it is hard to breath because of all the wind. The wind makes you feel supported so you have no sensation of falling, unlike a rollercoaster you never feel like you loose your stomach. When the parachute opens everything gets peaceful and quite. That is when the ground starts to look like it is getting closer. We had good upwind so we were able to land standing up. Last time I had to slide in on my butt. Words cannot explain the exhilaration of taking a flying leap out of an airplane, it is an experience like no other. If you have an adventurous spirit, this is an adventure I'd recommend. Kenyon said it was exciting just watching, who wants to join me on my next jump?

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