
Friday, June 02, 2006


I have officially sold my beloved Jeep. Boo-hoo! In it's place I am now the owner of a 2005 Chevy Aveo. Ever heard of it? That's okay, neither had I. It meets all my needs (not all my wants). It is fuel efficient, inexpensive to maintain, and has a warranty that should last until I graduate in a few years. Driving it is actually kind of fun. It's zippy! When I was test driving it I had that commercial stuck in my head - the one that goes zoom, zoom, zoom. I'll probably think that everytime I get in to the car, at least for the first couple months. I will likely pick up the car today. Selling my Jeep was the hardest sacrifice to do in returning to school. I loved that car! It fit me like a glove. Of course, I'm frugal by nature and will likely fall in love with this practical, zippy car too.

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