
Friday, June 02, 2006

Single women's small group

It has been nearly four years since I've been involved in a small group. Yikes! That is too long. With two of my closest friends leaving I knew I was in danger of filling up my time with business and not making the effort to really connect with people. Building friendships of that caliber takes a tremendous amount of work! I decided it was NOT in my best interest to take the path of least resistance and avoid the work. I decided instead to make the effort.

Last night I had three single, Christian women over to my place. We are going to start a small group. This summer we will do social activities and invite friends. In August we will begin a formal Bible study. When I made myself available to the possibility, God came through. In fact, I have four more women who are interested in the group and will likely join us for the next formal meeting in July.

I'm not sure what took me so long to get involved in small groups again. Those kinds of relationships, people to do life with, are critical to thriving in life (as opposed to just surviving). I'm looking forward to watching these relationships blossom. I hope to make life-long friends in this group. I'm looking forward to the journey - my first baby step was last night. I'm glad someone responded when I made myself available.

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