
Saturday, June 10, 2006

Habitat House

My church is funding a Habitat for Humanity house. Today I went to volunteer at the site. The plumbers had arrived so we couldn't work at the house. Instead we went to the warehouse to clean and haul heavy objects. I worked side-by-side with my girlfriend Andrea and two home owners putting in sweat equity. Before stopping at the warehouse we visited a recently completed home. It was part of a builders blitz - a bunch of KC builders put the house together in less than 5 days. It was beautiful! But the most amazing part, wasn't the house. It was what it means to the family moving in. One of the families I spent the day with today own that home. I had the privilege of speaking with them. The mom said about her new home, "it was a blessing she didn't have room for." Meaning - her cup is running over. To her it was a gift from God. The work the volunteers did on her home demonstrated God's love in a very meaningful way. What an amazing gift. It was a wonderful way to spend a Saturday. These activities help me keep my life in perspective. I too am blessed, my cup runneth over.

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