
Saturday, June 17, 2006


I recently met an amazing man. His name is Kenyon. He is about 6' tall, black with striking green eyes, big biceps, and a kind heart. He is a Christian. He is 28 years old (younger than me). He hasn't dated since 2003. He said he has high standards and wasn't willing to compromise them just to avoid being alone. He's never been married and has no kids. When I told him I'm divorced, he responded by saying, "I'm sorry you had to go through that pain." He said he's been looking for a woman who is smart (I like a man who likes smart women!), compassionate, and would offer something to help him grow as a person. He earned his undergraduate degree in Computer Science. He works in management at FedEx and intends to move his way up in the company. Conversation with Kenyon is very easy. From what I know about him so far, we seem to be moving in similar directions in our lives. I didn't think all of his qualities existed in one man. He has spent this week filling my office with flowers. I had a bouquet of flowers delivered on Monday. Then he personally delivered flowers and lunch on Friday. This guy definitely has potential. He stirs something in me that I don't think I've ever felt before - something that isn't easily defined by words. He introduced himself at an event I was at with girlfriends last Saturday. He told me he'd seen me before and was glad to have run in to me again. He's asked me to dinner about ten times since Saturday. I finally agreed to meet him for lunch. The lunch went so well I think I'm going to take him up on the dinner offer...eventually. After all, I am still Sheri - busy, cautious, and really good at making men work for my affection. We'll see if he's willing to do the work?

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