
Friday, August 31, 2012

inspiring community

I have a friend, I call him "my prophet" because God has used him, on more than one occasion, to speak truth to me - especially when I didn't want to hear it. My friend has been going through a tough time of unemployment.

"The church" (meaning Christ followers) have done so much in this extended time of struggle - as an observer, it is encouraging to the heart. My friend visited a Sunday service and filled out a prayer card. As the weeks turned in to months, the pastor of that church called often to "check-in." My friend couldn't give money due to his circumstance and eventually moved to another state because he lost his housing in Virginia - the pastor kept calling.Why? Because he cares for people.

People, even those who never met my friend, gave money to help. Because they cared about those who are struggling.

When my friend moved to the new state he attended another Sunday service. This group welcomed in the stranger, not just to make him feel welcome, but when they heard of his plight - they gave up food and interceding on his behalf that God would intervene.

When my friend got a job and announced this news - this group cheered audibly and celebrated with him.

There was a church the Hubs and I attended for a number of months, and at the end of each service people would join hands and pray for one another - whoever was next to them, whatever the Spirit put on their heart. Near the end of prayer time, the pastor would say a similar prayer each week. There was one part that I will always remember, "God bless my neighbor...and help me celebrate their success as if it were my own."

When my friend announced his good news - a spontaneous celebration erupted on his behalf. When my friend described it to me, it brought tears to my eyes. How wonderful that there is a group who cares so compassionately for those in need.

just Sheri, celebrating (from a distance) the success of another

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