This post is not about my past travels. It is about the encouragement I have received from these gentlemen.
They have been in a tough situation in recent months. No income. Distant from family and long-time friends. Dreams that were taken from them by self-serving individuals. Injustice suffered. Trying to survive in a place where they are not welcome. An uncertain future. The ripple effects of someone's choice has been heartbreaking to witness. Not only are they suffering undeserved consequences, but so are their children.
Many times I have thought, "If I were in their circumstances..." What I know is I would not be handling it with such grace. I am, after all, an American and thus consider it an injustice when someone cuts in front of me in line or too closely while driving.
Last night we were talking about African politics, the American presidential election, scripture and we do when we get together. I always ask how they are doing. They always tell me amazing ways that God is meeting their needs and the generous people who are helping them.
Last night one of the men informed me that it was recently his daughters birthday back in Liberia. At her school they had a birthday list posted on the wall. The kids would look forward to their day because their parents would bring in snacks and a party would be thrown in their honor. As it grew closer to her birthday his wife and he were sad for their daughter as they could not do this for her given his current, and unfortunate, circumstances. They decided to lift their concern up to God.
When the birthday came, a generous soul gave to meet this need. Not because they were asked, but out of care for this family. My friend told me, with the biggest smile on his face, that his daughter had the BEST birthday party of any all year. It brought tears to my eyes (even today as I retell this story).
Kindness is a beautiful thing. A birthday celebration can offer hope. Don't ignore those quiet promptings to be generous - you have no idea what it could mean in the life of another.
just Sheri, inspired by the faith and kindness of others
Thank you for sharing this story, Sheri! It really made my evening. Give our Liberian brothers hugs from the Swanson family. Miss you.