
Tuesday, January 04, 2011

who's responsible?

In recent weeks I have been asked one question many times. It is a follow-up to one of the most popular posts on this blog - What would you do for love? 

The question has come up with close friends and family members. It has been asked by acquaintances. Frankly, the question irritates me - not because it causes any doubt in me, but because it demonstrates to me what I find frustrating in our modern world.

What question has been asked so often that I am dedicating a blog post to it? What is it that has my panties in a wad and the hairs on the back of my neck standing up?

Why is it your responsibility to help this family?

That is a loaded question and I don't like it. My first reaction and the one that usually doesn't come out of my mouth is - "that is exactly what is wrong with the world. No one wants to help anyone when it is an inconvenience to themselves." 

What usually comes out of my mouth is - "do you have another solution?"

The answer I get is - "let someone else do it."

In case you are wondering. My days aren't glamorous. They are filled with playing taxi, doctors visits, daily IV's, sometimes blood, sometimes tears, sometimes bad moods and needy children. None of this my own, nor for myself. I watch our savings dwindle and only faint hopes of income on the horizon.

This choice has cost us. I left work I felt privileged to be a part of and gave up the opportunity for a good job in Kenyon's home town, where his family and our friends live. In order for us to stay together geographically, Kenyon gave up enrollment in a nursing class he had his heart set on. These were not easy sacrifices.

We are moving to a place where our primary contacts are this family and our social network outside of this home is limited. 

We also have limited familiarity with the area itself and are having to learn our way around in a new town and a state that is new to us.

I would be lying if I didn't say that some days I am tired. Some days I miss my old life and work. Some days I wish I could see more improvement or an immediate pay-off for the effort. But I NEVER question the importance of what I am doing, nor why I am doing it.

We came because my friend called me in tears in the wee hours of the morning (for her) and asked for my help. Months before she called God impressed upon my heart that I made a commitment to this family years ago to be the Godmother to these kids in the event that something bad happened. Something bad happened and I am determined to keep my commitment. Thankfully their mother is still alive, but she is sick. When she asked for my help. I knew my answer. It was obviously, "yes." I didn't think about the costs. I wouldn't do this for just anybody. In my world there are a handful of people on earth who qualify for this level of personal sacrifice. This friend is among that small group.

What is ailing me is the amount of push back we are getting from others. Some people have said they wouldn't even do this for their own family members, much less someone who is not a blood relative.

That, my friends, is what I think is wrong with the world. Hands down each of these dissenting voices would expect someone in their lives to give to them at this level if they needed it, but they are unwilling to do the same for someone else.

If not us, then who? Whose responsibility is it? Can someone, please, explain that to me?

Just Sheri, curious why the responsibility should be for someone else

1 comment:

  1. Curious why some feel that, as humans, we should only do what we have to do or what we ought to do... Shouldn't we do what we can and are able to do for as long and for as many as we can?
