
Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Adventures in Africa: Road Trip!

 Kenyon and I recently took a road trip in Mozambique. I wanted to share with you some of the photos from that adventure.
Taken from the car on my little point and shoot camera. I took this photo to show the people walking in the road. For some reason there are always people walking in the road in Africa. It is quite the obstacle and rather dangerous at night when visibility is low.

There are obstacles beyond the people. On the left is feet of dirt pile up, ready for grading someday. I am told this road has been under construction for years. There are sticks every few feet to keep people from driving on the left side of the road. You should be able to recognize what is coming at us on the right. We fit between the two, but I still wonder how.
This is another common site. People piled in the back of a pick-up. They drive like this for hours. Many commuting to places like Maputo (the city we live in) or South Africa for work.

So far, all of our road trips have been taken with the Whitlocks. Usually in their 13-passenger van - though it is often driven like it's a much smaller, more agile vehicle. I have decided we are too soft on our vehicles in the States. Vehicles in America lead a very cushy, sheltered life!
This trip, we really pushed the van to it's limits on the sandy terrain. Four wheel drive vehicles, like the one we drive, can rise above the sinking sand. The Whitlock van wasn't so lucky.
Thankfully, there was a good samaritan willing to help. He gave it the best he had and nearly burnt the clutch on his vehicle trying. In the end, they had to send a tractor to dig the van out of it's hole.
These are the events memories are made of!

1 comment:

  1. Sheri that's fabulous! I love the pics and stories! Thanks for sharing!
