
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

black chicken

Premdas from India (a personal hero of mine, the pastor who married us, and the only truly great person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting) has been sick. He recently had heart surgery and is recovering, though it doesn't look like he will be returning to full time ministry. The announcement of his sickness reminded me how home sick I am for India. I must get back! I must. And soon. But how? When? I don't know...yet.

Anyway, while on a recent visit to a province in Mozambique I saw black and white chickens running around - not chickens colored like zebras, but chickens of different colors. These chickens reminded me of Premdas. Why? Because he has a saying related to black and white chickens. He would call all of the foreigners "white chickens." One time I asked him why. He explained to me that white chickens are more fragile, they melt in the sun, they require more care, they need special diets. Apparently black chickens are different.

According to Premdas, black chickens are more resilient. Survivors. Indians are black chickens.

I have learned so much from Premdas about how to be an authentic person who dedicates themselves for the benefit of others. He's been doing it for decades. I still have so much to learn from him, my Indian daddy. Today, I am grateful for the lessons in resilience and was reminded by the sight of a black chicken.

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