Just because she moved away, doesn't mean we don't talk often. Thanks to the wonders of Skype we can even do video chats. I love video chats. It is like being in the room with someone, even when they are on the other side of the world.
Look at this snapshot of our conversation. She is telling me a funny story about her salon experience and doesn't know that I took a screen shot. I love that Lou! We always have so much fun!

My friend Elaine and I scheduled a video chat on Christmas Day and I got to see her daughter do gymnastics. It was awesome! Really, it was the best part of my day. We are working to schedule another chat soon.
What did people do when they lived overseas before video chat? I just can't imagine how lonely it would be if I could not see my friends and family from time to time on video chat. If you'd like to video chat sometime, let me know.
You missed my attempt to show a monobrow! Too funny. I love you Sheri and miss you something awful back. See you in December :)