
Friday, January 22, 2010

Daughters organization

Another organization I visited on the recent tour with the team is Daughters. This organization was created by a woman out of the UK to help ladies who want to leave sex work and are looking for other options. At Daughters the women are given skills training so they can earn a living through other means. We fund about 1/3 of their annual budget. This was my first visit to their location.

I see the brothels around town. I know many of the statistics - some of which stir up anger in me. The program director mentioned they are currently serving 64 women. With the exception of 2, these women were sold to the brothels by their parents. By their parents! For a few hundred dollars the parents sold their daughters so they could buy something like a motorbike or pay a gambling debt.

Parents are designed by God to provide protection to their children. Children are already vulnerable enough in the world. I do not understand what rationale would make selling one's child to the sex industry an acceptable option. The director mentioned that sometimes this happens to girls as young as 8 or 9 years old. My mind (and heart) does not know how to process such facts.

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