
Friday, October 02, 2009

Manila - inital and random thoughts

McDelivery? McDonald's delivers in Manila. Twenty-four hours a day and they seem to advertise it everywhere.

Rain, rain go away. This place has already experienced a major typhoon, and extreme flooding as a result. Super typhoon number two is on it's way and it is raining quite a bit. I am told it started in the afternoon and hasn't stopped. Silly girl, I came to a typhoon without a rain coat!

Guns and security check. The only thing I've seen of Manila is the drive from the airport to my hotel. There seem to be a lot of billboards asking people to put down or give up their firearms. One said "Be a Peacekeeper" and then had some difficult to decipher English about disarming. Before entering our hotel the car was thoroughly searched, including the underbelly with mirrors. I should pay attention to the news more often so I could understand what all the fuss is about.

Family of 9. My driver spoke broken English and seemed to want to talk about the events of recent days. He was telling me stories about water as high as two stories, about bridges being washed away. As we were driving down the highway to the hotel he said, "this road was flooded." Then he told me a story of a family he knows. A family of nine. All of them killed by the typhoon. Then he was silent for a little while. The next time he spoke he asked if I had a family. I told him I have a husband, but no children (yet). He told me about his boys and how they wait up for him at night just to say hello, even if it is after midnight when he gets home. I don't know if I've been through an experience where the PTS is so fresh. I imagine everyone has stories like this, of loved ones lost. Maybe they are wondering why they were spared. I know that is what I would be thinking, and I would be grateful for the loved ones remaining. Heartbreaking!

I've only been in the Philippines a few, short hours. I have quickly realized I don't know enough about this country. I had to even look at a map before I came to see where I was going. I am open to some lessons and background information if there is anyone out there with some pointers.

1 comment:

  1. Sheri,
    Thank you for all your updates. I am praying for your safety. Be careful, and serve God.
    Jennie (met you at your yardsale!)
