
Thursday, October 01, 2009

super typhoon - yikes!

I'm getting on an airplane in a couple of hours headed to Manila. If you've been watching the news there is a super typhoon headed right for that area. The area has already been devastated by a recent typhoon, which is why I am on my way there. The news report is below:

Oct. 1 (Bloomberg) -- The Philippines mobilized its armed forces as Supertyphoon Parma headed for the country, threatening more heavy rains a week after Tropical Storm Ketsana devastated parts of Manila in Luzon and left 277 people dead.

The Navy has assembled a task force in northern Luzon, where Philippine forecasters expect Parma to make landfall on Oct. 3, spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Edgard Arevalo said in a phone interview. The Air Force will send trucks and rubber boats to facilitate evacuations when local officials request them, Air Force spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Gerardo Zamudio said.

Parma’s winds increased to 241 kilometers (150 miles) per hour today, according to the U.S. Navy
Joint Typhoon Warning Center, making it a Category 4 storm, the second-strongest on the Saffir-Simpson scale. It’s forecast to get stronger before making landfall, according to the center.


Please pray for the safety of those of us who are going to serve in this disaster response, pray for the families that have already lost so much, pray for the southeast asia region that is getting pummeled by natural disasters in recent weeks. Pray that in the midst of the chaos I will be able to see the people who are hurting and be an example of God's love to them through my actions, regardless of how much (or how little) sleep I am getting.

I've never been through a typhoon before, but just the word "super typhoon" and "150 mile per hour winds" scares me a bit. The team that is there is already looking for a safe place to shelter us from the storm.

I'll be on the computer quite a bit and will post when I can.

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