
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Interesting International Facts: burger and a massage

did you know?

At the Burger King in Manila you can get fast food and a 15 minute back massage while you eat it. No joke. On our way out to TayTay today we had to change vehicles. They dropped us at the BK because it was close to the intersection we needed to be at. I decided to take the opportunity to get a quick refreshment and ordered a delicious coke float that cost all of $0.75. As I was enjoying my tasty treat and waiting for my ride I noticed there were girls walking around giving back massages. Curious, so I asked my host about this. She told me they are free, but you should tip and they last about 15 minutes. We didn't have time for me to try out this service, but I did decide every BK all over the world should have this. It give whole new meaning to "Have it your way" (the BK tagline).

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