
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

trip to a Cambodian grocery

In our recent tour of Phnom Penh we stopped in at one of the chain groceries called Lucky. I wasn't sure what we'd be able to find at our new locale or what we'd be missing, here's some photos of our discoveries.

Packaged meat, including ground beef. I actually recognize most of this stuff...though I wouldn't consider everything available to be appetizing. Anyone out there a big fan of chicken feet?Kenyon noted that the toe nails were still intact. Chicken innards were also nicely packaged on the shelves. No, thanks!

Yogurt! I do like yogurt. I've never tried apple flavor, that could be good. What about corn flavored yogurt? I'm not so sure about that. There is also corn flavored ice cream in case you are interested.

I didn't think fresh milk would be available. Usually when I travel I have UHT milk (more on that in a second). I am told that on certain days of the month this grocery carries the kind of milk I grew up on. I am also told it arrives in limited number and that most expats (foreigners like us) mark it on their calendar and hope to get some. We just so happened to be there on that day and had a milk sighting.

Here's the other stuff - milk in a box. Also known as UHT milk, this stuff can keep on a shelf unrefrigerated for six to nine months. This will be the kind of milk we will consume most often.

To go with our milk varieties is some varieties of Post cereal.

Dried squid anyone? I think I'll pass.

For dessert there are some boxed cakes...the only way I bake! My Tia Carmen likes to say, "we don't raise Betty Crocker women in our family." That's the truth!

Don't forget the salsa - I could eat just about anything if it is covered in salsa. Since I've been here I've been served chicken fajitas twice. Yum! The only thing missing was the fajita seasoning packet I would buy at the store that give it that extra punch of flavor. I do miss those and have not seen them anywhere.

The other thing I didn't see was Ranch dressing, I sure am glad I picked up those ranch packets before we came. Kenyon has already mentioned them multiple times, they are packed in our boxes which haven't arrived, yet. He'll be glad when they get here.

I hope you enjoyed your tour of a Cambodian grocery. Kenyon was embarrassed of me because I was taking photos at the store. He thought no one who reads this would care what is sold at the grocery store. I disagree, which is why I kept taking photos anyway. So, I pose this question to you - do you find the items sold at the grocery to be interesting or should I spend my writing energy on something else?

1 comment:

  1. I'd skip the apple yoghurts. I used to eat them and then they turned my teeth green...maybe cause I ate too many
