
Thursday, September 24, 2009

flood relief

Just before leaving on vacation I participated in a flood relief distribution. It is rainy season here, which means it rains at least once per day. I enjoy the rain because for a short time it cools off and I stop sweating.

In one of the urban slum areas we are working they are experiencing terrible flooding. Granted, some of the homes should have been raised when built or the land graded. That didn't happen, but that isn't the biggest source of the problem. Actually, there used to be a canal that drained the water adequately. Then someone purchased land near the slum area. The canal was in the middle of his land and he didn't like it, so he filled it. Now the water has no where to drain and it just backs up in to the slum. We've approached him and asked him to clear the canal, but he isn't interested in complying with our request, nor with the impact it is having on over 100 poor families. We, with some of the community leaders, are taking our request to the government along. Hopefully they will be more compassionate or at least interested in "saving face" with the presence of an International NGO there. Here are some pictures from the flooded community.

Anyway, with the help of community leaders we identified 83 families in need of immediate relief from the flooding. We decided to provide some basic food supplies. Here are some pictures from the distribution.

This project was completely led by our national staff. I was proud of their organization and professionalism.

What have you been doing lately?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sheri,
    We appreciate your pictures and comments about the flooding and relief in PreySala community. It's good to see the National staff in the back ground doing their thing! Glad you are there! God be with you as you respond to the disaster in the Philippines.
