
Friday, September 25, 2009

Today I am 33

Today is my 33rd birthday. My life has turned out nothing like I had planned. I have experienced unexpected highs and unexpected lows. Overall, I am content. There are still unrealized dreams - like having children. With each passing year I wonder if it will ever happen. But, overall, I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams and wake up each day excited about what lay ahead.

What are my plans for today? Nothing special. I am going to language class in the morning. Then some colleagues and I have to drive to a nearby province to meet with the ministry of health about a maternal health project we would like to do in order to reduce infant mortality. We will return to the city late. I expect I'll be exhausted and fall in to bed ready for a deep sleep at the end of a busy day.

I've been asked what I want for my birthday as far as gifts. I'm not just saying this, but I trully want nothing. I have more than I need. I have a wealth of unbelievable experiences. I have people to share the journey with. I want for nothing.

So, here's to all the wonderful people in my life who have made living such a joy. On my birthday I want to celebrate you!

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