
Friday, August 21, 2009

rite of passage: the barber shop

Kenyon and I are spending our last couple of days in the USA in the State of Virginia visiting the Williams family. Yesterday, Kenyon and Ramone shared a Black male rite of passage - a visit to the local barber shop. I secretly snapped a photo from my cell phone. Enjoy being witness to this male rite of passage.

Is there a rite of passage in your family or culture - what is it? In my culture it is usually a quinceanera, though my immediate family doesn't really practice that tradition. What does your family have as a rite of passage to show when a child is growing up?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sheri, I just discovered your blog. In my family our rite of passage must be when we are confirmed. We get to choose a name for ourselves and that is pretty cool. Although this usually occurs at around the age of 12 which hardly makes us ripe as
