
Monday, August 10, 2009


As I've gotten older I've realized is complicated and comes with complex emotions. It's rare that an experience is all good or all bad, it is usally a mix of both with the good or bad outweighing the other. Confused? Let me explain.

A few weeks ago I posted about my divided loyalties. Frankly, there wasn't an obvious right choice. I could have easily justified either choice as being right. Also, both choices came with a long list of pro's and con's. I was emotionally attached to both options. In the end, I made the choice that I believe most honored my family. Leaving my job was "bittersweet." I was sorry to go. I shed tears over the departure. People could see that I was obviously torn. One wise man told me he had to let go of a dream in his own life once, but that God resurrects the dream when we honor him. I hope so. But, leaving wasn't all bad either, there was something to look forward to in the future - a great adventure that could be shared with my husband rather than leaving him behind all the time. There is exciting work awaiting us on the other end.

I'm really fascinated by this concept of "bittersweet." How can something be exciting and regretful at the same time? When I was younger I thought human experience was different. I thought something good came and it was all good. I thought something bad came and it was all bad. I certainly did not think both good and bad could happen simultaneously. But, it does.

So, as we end one chapter of life and begin the is, in fact, bittersweet.

Have you had any bittersweet experiences lately?

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