
Friday, August 07, 2009


Kenyon and I recently rented a U-haul truck and drove the remainder of our furniture to Virginia. We picked up a passenger along the way. In the rural communities of Virginia among the peaceful farmland when we were nearly at our destination I heard a very loud THUMP. I was looking around to figure out what could have made that sound, and to my dismay I saw a large insect with it's head lodged in the windshield wiper. It was looking right at me. At first I thought it must be dead based on the force of the impact and the position it was currently placed, then it's little bug legs started to move and I knew it was alive. I asked Kenyon to stop and free the passenger we had picked up since it was still alive. Instead, Kenyon decided to turn on the windshield wipers to see if he could set him free that way. That strategy didn't work and I imagine the only thing it succeeded in doing is to make our passenger dizzy. Kenyon wouldn't stop driving until we reached our destination and I had those little bug eyes staring at me the whole way - very unnerving! When we arrived we were quickly distracted by unloading the vehicle before nightfall. In the morning we needed to return the truck to the rental place so we loaded up and that is when I saw the bug eyes again and was reminded of our passenger. By this time the life had been drained out of him and little bees were swarming him, though I don't know enough about nature to understand why bees would be attracted to our passenger. When we reached the rental place I took a photo. What a way to go!

This post is in memory of the passenger we picked up on the road during our move. That isn't a super close-up shot, it really was that large. What is it? If you know, do share, because inquiring minds want to know...

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