
Monday, June 22, 2009

hidden airline fees

If you are a regular reader of this blog then you know that I travel often. A benefit of all that travel is racking up the frequent fligher miles (although the last thing I want to do on my time off is get on an airplane!). In December, I cashed in some frequent flyer miles to visit Kenyon's family and our friends in Kansas City. At that time it cost 25,000 miles with a $5 tax to get a round trip ticket. Kenyon and I are going to visit family for the fourth of July holiday so I cashed in some airmiles. This time it cost 40,000 miles and a $10 tax. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining that I just got a round trip plane ticket to New Mexico for $10. What I am surprised at is the price inflation in a few short months.

Have you noticed the price of other things inching their way up? Maybe gas prices or the price of bread?

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