
Wednesday, May 27, 2009


In my generation one of the most pivotal events was September 11. I can remember exactly where I was when that happened. I used to work a flex schedule and did not come in until 2pm. I was home watching a morning news program when they started to show the videos of one plane crashing in to the World Trade Center. We'd never experienced a terrorist attack on our soil before so that was not the immediate conclusion. No one could believe it was intentional, it had to be a horrible accident. By the second plane it was clear that the twin towers were a target for some kind of evil plan. I can still see the smoke and the people running away in fear. I remember people jumping out of windows to their deaths trying to get away from the fire. I called work to let them know to turn on the news and for hours I was mesmorized. I could not pull my eyes from the TV. I could not stop watching. Eventually I had to haul myself to the office. That whole night I could tell the feeling on campus was different, it was almost toxic. Why do I bring this up?

I remember the phone calls that passengers on the planes were able to make to their families as they were going down. With the amount of time I spend on airplanes I know that my chances that some kind of mishap will happen are increased. When boarding a plane I always have my phone with me, in my pocket or placed in the seat pocket in front of me. Call me paranoid, but if I am on a plane going down I want to call my husband and tell him I love him. I know my motivation is to make a last phone call to Kenyon, because when he is with me I don't feel compelled to pull out the cell phone and have it near my person.

I didn't even know I was doing this habitually until recently, it was almost subconscious. Strange.

What do you do in preparation for an emergency situation?

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