
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Interesting International Facts: African pajamas

I was presenting at a conference last weekend. It is a small, International conference. I was assigned a roommate who was originally from Uganda, but is currently living in Sudan. We were getting ready for bed and she was going through her bag and realized she hadn't packed anything to sleep t-shirts or a suitable substitute. She then said, "I guess I have to sleep African style."

Naively I replied, "what's that?"...then it hit me...naked!

We both started to laugh. I guess I never thought about it before, but much of the world only has one set of clothing to wear. They don't have a closet or dressers full of clothes to choose from. It's one outfit and one outfit only, not just one style of outfit, but literally one outfit. I understand not wanting to wear your one outfit to bed. I just hadn't thought about what that really means.

I'm glad my roommate had a good sense of humor about it all.

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