
Monday, May 11, 2009

Mi Madre

This is one of my favorite pictures of me and my mom. It was taken a few years ago when she was my date to a wedding of one of my high school friends. That's what moms do, they show up as your date when you'd rather not attend alone.

Since I was a little girl my mom has encouraged me to be a strong, independent woman (poor Kenyon!). She told me since I was a little girl that I was destined for some divine purpose. In my early adult years there were many hurdles to climb and my mom was always there cheering me on. She believed I could do it, so I bothered to try and then found that, in fact, I could.

We may not always agree, but she will always be my mom and I am indebted to her for the woman I am today.

Love you, moms! Happy mother's day!

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