
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

moral authority vs moral superiority

A few months ago I heard Andy Stanley speak. He gave a definition of moral authority. Basically, it is alignment between our words (creed) and actions (deed). I believe this is the basis for influence, it is a measure of the quality of our character - do we do what we say we are going to, do we practice what we preach? This doesn't mean perfection, because that is impossible, but a realistic attempt at alignment. Without moral authority our influence is limited.

That would mean that moral superiority is the opposite - when our actions do not match our words, but we still feel everyone should listen to what we have to say. Recently, I've encountered a few people with an air of moral superiority and it left me frustrated and the rebel in me wants to do anything but comply with their request.

I don't think the two can co-exist, you either have one or the other. I also think moral authority will gain more friends and influence people. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I am glad you posted this. It is good for making me stop and look at myself to make sure I am acting under moral authority . . not moral superiority. Especially within my house!
