
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

agree with Europe?

It isn't often that I find myself agreeing with European ideas. I am born an American and thus my ideas are formed from that perspective. In the interest of watching my home country rise from it's current financial crisis I have been concerned about the lack of economic restraint. These stimulus packages and oversized budget appropriations do not come without a cost. I pray it isn't true, but I predict a future financial crisis based on this extravagent spending...a future of hyperinflation and falling value of the dollar. Some day the bill will come due. Already it has compromised our negotiating position with countries such as China. We are endebted to them and with that debt comes bondage to our benefactor.

Anyway, the EU president recently said the US Economic Policies are the road to hell and Europe should not follow suit because "such a path could lead to unsustainable debt and runaway inflation." I agree. Read the rest of the article from the Washington Post here.

What are your thoughts?

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