
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Monthly send off

Each month my employer sends new staff to the field. These are individuals being sent to the far reaches of the world, the ends of the earth. I don't often get the opportunity to participate in these send off events because of my travel schedule, but when I'm in town I absolutely love them.

I love the excitement in their eyes, the anticipation that is written all over them. I love their willingness to enter the unknown for a greater purpose. It reminds me of the privilege I have of doing this work as my vocation. It reminds me of the responsibility of our tasks and whom we are serving.

This month I prayed with a man who is moving his family from Sri Lanka to Vietnam to work with our office there. I met him in Sri Lanka, spoke to him while he was visiting our offices and look forward to visiting him and his family in the field this year on an upcoming trip to Vietnam. He cried as we prayed for him. His faithfulness challenges me to go deeper.

I'll miss the send off next month because I'll be traveling, but I look forward to the next one where I can participate. It is such an honor to work for my employer, doing what I do.

Please pray for the hundreds of staff who are serving every day in difficult areas, giving up comforts, and being stationed far from family and friends. Please remember those who give sacrificially every day for others.

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