
Friday, February 13, 2009

can leadership be taught?

This question comes up from time to time in my life: is leadership a gift, or is it something that can be taught?

When I used to teach a leadership class at KU my answer was unequivicably, it can be taught or I wouldn't bother teaching the class. But, over the years I am questioning that answer. Let me explain...leadership is not done in isolation, it involves other people. Some people just do not have the interpersonal skills to pull it off. You can teach them about decision-making, casting vision, and effective project management - but they still have to deal with people to make things happen. Some people just don't have it in them to be able to effectively lead others toward anything and it ends up a mess.

Also, leadership requires a certain amount of ambition. By definition, the leader is in front of the pack showing the way. But, what if someone is just happy to sit and stay where they are or where they've always been? They might hold the title of manager, but they aren't leading a group anywhere. True leadership takes a certain amount of initiative, drive and gumption. Maybe someone else has the answer to this, but I don't know how to motivate the unmotivated. In my experience, they either have it or they don't...period.

So, I ask you, can leadership be taught?


  1. Here is something to ponder. Are there "secret" leaders...undercover, if you will...not in the public eye or in an obvious "leadership" position. I believe there are leaders in life that do not hold an official position. For instance, in your own family, I think of Bob and Carmen. Both quiet, humble people, but they have both lead the way by example. Family and friends look to them and follow in their footsteps. Is that leadership?

  2. I agree. I don't think leadership has anything to do with position or title...that is management. Leadership is influence. I would definitely consider Bob and Carmen influencers. They certainly influenced my life.

    But, I still have my question...can leadership/influence be taught? Can someone be taught how to influence others? Can someone be taught initiative when they have no intrinsic motivation?
