
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Beacon of hope

If you are a faithful reader then you know how I voted and why. My candidate may not have been the last man standing, but that doesn't mean there aren't things to celebrate in the result. 

I am glad that America voted for a black man as their leader. This fact has reinvigorated our image worldwide. Is Obama charismatic? Yes, absolutely, but I don't think that is the only reason people are looking to America, again, as a beacon of hope. I believe it is because in electing him as president we proved we can overcome some of our prejudices. I believe in this vote we proved that in this country anything can happen. Anyone (if born here) can be elected President. That level of freedom and opportunity is worth celebrating, because it is uniquely American and not afforded to others outside of our borders.

I am also excited to see the next generation care passionately about something. My generation is so jaded, so cynical. We trust no one. We believe every politician is lying. We don't rely on government to keep it's promises (like the empty promise of social security). As a result we have stopped hoping for better. We just take the crap deal we are given and expect nothing to change. The next generation, for reasons unknown to me, are different. They believe the world can change. Obama tapped that belief and I was relieved to see that hope hasn't died. I don't think they should put their hope in political leaders who will ultimately fail them (remember I am from the jaded generation), but I am inspired that there is a generation coming up that is willing to hope. The optimism is inspiring.

1 comment:

  1. jaded generation, I do believe that I qualify and that is an acurate title. I too can atleast see a hope in things that are happening even though it might not be the button I was wearing.
    Silent J
