
Monday, September 04, 2006


It's been a couple of years since I've been a student and even more years since I've been a full-time student. There are a few of things that have changed since I was a student last (the biggest change is I'm older, but besides that):

(1) technology - everyone seems to have a laptop and a cell phone. I find the cell phone thing slightly amusing. Students will be sitting at a table together or walking campus side-by-side, the amusing thing is - they aren't talking to one another. Instead they have chosen to text or talk to someone else on their cell phone. What's up with that?! What has our world come to when we would rather interact electronically with someone than speak to the people right in front of us? Do they think they are missing out on something some place else, or is it simply preferred to be on your phone than having an actual conversation? It is a strange new phenomenon to me. I don't understand it. Maybe it's a generational difference, but I'd rather speak with real, live people.

(2) restaurant items - my second observation has been items on the menu at restaurants. Confession time - have you ever ordered a Peanut Butter and Jelly (PB&J) sandwich at a restaurant? I've ordered a grilled cheese sandwich, but never a PB&J. In fact I was surprised it's a menu item at all. Who would go out to eat PB&J? College students, of course. Duh! Every restaurant I've been to so far with my classmates has had PB&J on the menu. It is not always the cheapest item on the menu and it doesn't seem to matter what scale of restaurant we visit. It has shown up in different versions; one had organic peanut butter, another was of the grilled variety. I'll let you know if I ever order one myself. I just can't imagine it.

Ahh, the student life.

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