
Wednesday, October 08, 2008


I have a good friend named Yasmine. We met when we were both living in Kansas City. Actually, I was her boss in a job she didn't like, but accepted because she wanted to get out of the house after moving from Egypt to the States. We had instant chemistry and have shared a lot over the years - laughter and difficulties. Yasmine is a life-long friend. We will be in contact no matter where we are in the world...and we've proved that!

In August, she moved to Dubai with her husband and daughter (standing next to us in the photo). As I was passing through to visit Asia for work, I stopped in Dubai. On the way to Asia I had a seven hour layover, so we had dinner. It was the day after my birthday and she arrived at the airport with flowers and a card. On the way back I scheduled to extend my layover by one day. What a glorious day! I got to see their new uptown apartment, we walked to the beach from their new place, then hung by one of the six pools in the complex. We visited the man-made marina and the indoor ski resort. But my favorite thing about the trip was when her daughter and husband took a nap and we sat in her living room and just talked.

I have been blessed with a wealth of friendships (though none of us live in the same city anymore). My friendship with Yasmine is one of the relationships that make me feel rich in this life.

Love you, friend! It was great to see you!

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