
Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm a news watcher...

My current job requires that I pay attention to the news, very close attention. I've posted before about the Presidential election in Kenya and the effect that had on plans. Today, I am closely watching the conflict in the Former Soviet Union (FSU) and the events in Bangkok. Why? Because I am scheduled to be in both places in the coming weeks. The news doesn't look good:

I have plane tickets, a hotel room, and responsibilities in Moscow in October. Today, I read this. I believe things are going to get worse before they get better. The rhetoric is rather scary, everyone is saying it's reminiscent of the cold war days.

This weekend I am leaving to Cambodia and from there will travel to Bangkok. This morning this was in the news.

We live in uncertain times...dangerous times. I used to watch these things from a distance with intrigue, but now it is a lot closer to home as the likelihood that I'll be in a place of conflict is ever increasing.

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