
Saturday, July 26, 2008

I am soooo disappointed!

I'm leaving to Mozambique Saturday. Friday at 4pm I receive this:

The President and Mrs. Bush
cordially invite you to the

Signing of H.R. 5501
reauthorizing PEPFAR

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The White House
East Room

Gates open at 2:00 pm
Arrive no later than 2:15 pm

Kindly respond with intention of accepting or regretting this invitation

Man, oh, man am I disappointed!!! Can you believe I get an invitation to the White House and I have to decline?! I considered cancelling my trip. This is a historic event and I could witness it first hand rather than watch it on television. The President of the United States will be signing legislation reauthorizing and expanding the largest humanitarian bill in history. There has been none of this caliber before and there will likely not be another of this magnitude to follow. When I told Kenyon that night about the opportunity I had to pass up on, he said, "you probably aren't going to get another opportunity like this. I can't believe you aren't going." Thanks, that makes me feel so much better. When you see this broadcast all over the news on the evening of July 30th, know that I could have been there, but instead I'll be in Africa working. Don't you feel bad for me? What a terrible life I lead, missing one great opportunity because I'm pursuing another. Smile!

Honestly, though, if I'd received this invitation any earlier in the day - I'd of cancelled my trip to Africa in a heartbeat. If you see Condolezza Rice in the room on the day of the signing, I don't want to know about it I am already soooo disappointed!

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