
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

things that don't make the news, but should...

When I travel I get the opportunity to visit organizations doing interesting things all over the world. At the end of last year I visited an organization called "Amani ya Juu" meaning "Peace with God" in Swahili. This organization helps women in need, it gives them a job and skills training. They teach women to dye fabrics, sew and design - then they sell the items for income. I came when they were preparing for a large fashion show. I was so impressed with the work they do that I signed up to be on their mailing list. A few days ago I received this email:

April 30, 2008

Dear Amani friends,

This is a sad day for the Amani family. Charles Mwatha (husband to Anna), our faithful gate keeper, was killed on Monday. We are all grieving the loss of someone who was loved by all. Everyone who visited Amani knows Charles because he was the one everyone first met as he opened the gate. Charles was due to testify in court next week against a policeman who had beat and robbed him last year as he was on the way to the bank with his hard earned savings. Charles’ family had pleaded with him to drop the case, especially after he received several threatening telephone calls, but he was determined to follow through for the hope that justice would be done.

Charles leaves behind his wife Anna and an extended family for whom he was responsible. Please pray for Anna that God’s peace and comfort will carry her through this tragic time in her life. The Amani women are with Anna constantly giving her the love and support she needs.

In His peace,

The Amani ya Juu family

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