
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Marital Mis-Communications

Each time Kenyon and I travel to New Mexico we go to a movie with my family. Every time Kenyon says, "I don't want to see a girly-girl movie. I want to see a shoot 'em up movie." Once we went to see a family flick, last time we watched a guy adventure movie.

Last night we were at the Red Box. He couldn't decide on which movie to rent. I walked away and came back to see he had something in his hand.

"Which movie did you decide to rent?"

"Shoot 'em up."

I'm thinking he must have rented a guy movie. As we are walking to the car I open the case to find - there is an actual movie called "Shoot 'em up." I laughed. I'm sure this movie was made specifically to appeal to the male gender.

It wasn't that good, not even Kenyon liked it. There were a lot of bullets, so it did live up to the title...shoot 'em up - who knew?

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