
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Gonzales Family Talent Show

A typical family reunion involves picnic tables, grilled food and matching t-shirts - my family is not typical. We get together and have a talent show. That's right a talent show...we have so many people who want to be on stage there had to be rules - one performance per person and there has to be a Gonzales by blood in each performance. My family is full of talented singers, dancers, musicians and all types of entertainers...instead of T-shirts, both of my uncles’s had CD’s on sale and we could purchase a DVD in order to live the party again and again.

The event was fun and educational…I learned my Grandfather earned a Purple Heart when he was a Sergeant in the Korean War because he was shot in the head. I also learned he never grew hair in that spot again. He died when I was a little girl and I have no personal memories of him, only pictures, that was a priceless piece of information. I also learned that my Great, Great, Great, Great Grandmother was the daughter of a rancher. She was put up for adoption because she was half black. It was quite scandalous because the husband of my Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandmother was a white man. Any one who thinks family reunions are boring should meet my family...we are anything but boring!

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