
Saturday, May 24, 2008

customer service?

I just returned from another world tour, jumping continents from Asia to Africa. I had one cancelled flight, a couple of flight delays, lost luggage, etc...all of this is becoming a regular occurance in travel. That isn't what is frustrating me, what I don't understand is the lack of concern on the part of the airline staff. It is like they are numb to the issue and simply disregard the request. After a canceled flight to Newark I was trying to figure out a way to still make it to India in time for my meeting May 14. There were options on other airlines, there were ealier flights out they could put me on. The customer service agent seemed less than moved by my plea for help to reach my destination. My employer was working with a travel agent to see what was available - they found a one-way flight for $7,000. Ummm, let me think...NO way am I paying that for a plane ticket! So, I went back to "customer service," her suggestion was I take a flight the next morning. I again explain that isn't going to get me there on time for the meeting. No response. So, I plop myself on the floor in sight distance of the agent desk and plan to get online to see if there is anything I can do to help myself. Another agent heard my plea for help and at the last minute got me on an earlier flight, which got me there in time to catch my international flight. This isn't the first time my cries for help have been ignored at the airport. It leads me to ask, what happened to customer service? Are there so many travel difficulties that airline staff have just grown immune to the need? Oh, the joys of travel...

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