
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Count your blessings...

This probably would have been a more appropriate Thanksgiving post, but, like I said, Thanksgiving snuck up on me, so my list of things I'm thankful for is coming a little late.

Matthew 5:6 says, "Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires: God will satisfy them fully!"

As a young person I made a choice that what I wanted more than anything was to please God. I am convinced we are each created with a divine purpose and I set out to find mine. The journey has involved pain and suffering. It has included unpredictable twists and turns. Where I am today doesn't look anything like I thought it would. Yet, I am satisfied. Rather, than having to ask what the meaning to life is or why I am on earth - I have discovered something amazing. I have a purpose that supercedes my job title, employer or level of responsibilty. My purpose is to share hope with the hopeless, to bring light in to dark places, and to be a representative of God's love. When I let God do with me what He will, He led me to unexpected places and brought me to a place of contentment. I am blessed because I know why I am on earth. I am doubly blessed because I have someone to share it with. Does that mean that financial set-backs cease, that conflict disappears, and I get everything I want? Absolutely not! But, whatever the circumstance, I am satisfied.

What are your blessings?

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