
Saturday, November 03, 2007


I got bad news from the country of Angola this week. We have some HIV programming there and were looking at expanding it. Right now there is a testing center where community members can come to find out their status. This week a family arrived for testing. The dad was found positive. His wife, positive. His youngest child, also positive. This news was not well received. He pulled a gun on the counselor and threatened her life before turning the gun on himself and pulling the trigger. This is stuff that happens on TV, but instead it happened in real life to one of my colleagues.

I have spent the remainder of the week praying for the family that was left in the wake of this tradgedy and trying to decide where we go from here. That poor woman was told she has a deadly virus, her child has a deadly virus, and she became a widow all in a very short span of time. I have also been praying for the Dr. who witnessed this tragedy. She has not wanted to return to work since the event. Who can blame her? I pray she has comfort and finds hope, that she remembers why we do what we do and will regain strength and resolve in her calling (even if it isn't to continue to work with us).

These things happen around the world. This isn't a movie script. These are real people, living real lives and experiencing real problems.

Jesus, give me strength and wisdom in situations like this and so many other difficult situations that arise each day. Amen.

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