
Sunday, June 03, 2007

Back to Reality

We returned from China late Tuesday night - nearly Wednesday morning. It was a nice trip, the best part was seeing the Whincop family. I think I will also like watching the Olympics next summer and remembering all the places we visited.

To my relief, Kenyon's suit for the wedding fits wonderfully - with the exception of the waist, which is a little bit big. That is a fixable problem. He also liked the pin stripe (after he saw it, there was some concern before that).

I'm glad I had a fun and relaxing vacation because the next two months are going to be an insane whirlwind of activity. Wedding number one is in about two weeks. There is still so much to do to make it happen - I thought this was going to be a simple affair. Ugh! School starts for both of us on Monday. I have some HUGE summer projects I need to finish related to school, work and some stuff I'm taking on to earn extra money for the wedding. Then there is everything related to the India trip and wedding there, as well as our Kansas City reception when we return. Calgon, take me away! I'm desperately trying not to be too stressed and enjoy the journey.

This picture was of a sign I found in China - The Tourist Halts. I feel like it's true of my life right now - The Work Begins. Double ugh! Maybe I can look at the hundreds of pics and pretend I'm some where far, far away?!

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