
Sunday, April 15, 2007

Not as young as we used to be..

That was the theme for yesterday. I was having Kenyon try some yoga poses with me. He was grunting, I was sweating...half-way through an inverted pose he said, "we aren't as young as we used to be." Which caused me to laugh, loose all concentration, and I ended up in a ball on the floor. Not much later I convinced him to go roller skating with me. I've been sitting in front of a computer for at least 10 hours a day all week working on a conference paper and I wanted to get out and moooove. As we are rolling around the rink he comes up to me sweaty and says, "we aren't as young as we used to be, I just can't keep going like these young folks." On our roller skating excursion I took a nasty fall because there was a piece of some one's stopper left on the rink, that stopped me in my tracks. I've given myself a sore wrist and a bruised tailbone. What was Kenyon's response? You guessed it...say it together now...we're not as young as we used to be. He decided to participate in the speed skating competition at the roller rink. They had a 20 and older category. At the end, he came off the rink panting. The DJ actually stopped the competition because he said the contestants looked tired - and they did. They hadn't even finished one song. Kenyon only had one thing to say while shaking his head...we just aren't as young as we used to be. Have you ever had that feeling? At least we can laugh about it - it did make me appreciate that I can still do yoga and roller skate, because some day, I'm not going to be as young as I am now.

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