
Thursday, March 01, 2007

Funk moves forward...

Tuesday was the primary election. The mayoral race went from 12 to 2 in one day. Funkhouser was one of the two. I still think he can go all the way, and hope he does. He has received a glowing endorsement from the largest newpaper in this area. They actually acted as his largest source of public relations in the primary. He doesn't have the financing of the other candidates. He has some yard signs, some mailings, some volunteers like me willing to make phone calls to likely voters, and a website. He didn't have a TV commercial until the week before the primary, produced by a friend and featuring volunteers. It had it's debut Sunday night, prior to Tuesday's elections. He attends community events and debates and wins because he is genuine and offers solutions. There isn't anyone in his inner circle that would be called a political guru, many have never worked on a campaign before. I say all of this because he was not expected to get this far. His critics didn't think he could do it because it defies political logic; well, I think the political gurus should take a hint from the voters. Voters like this breath of fresh air, they like that he is a bit eccentric and unconventional, they like that he is real, transparent and authentic. There is an energy around his campaign that is exciting. His wife Gloria recently sent out an email to the volunteers that captured that. She and Funk had visited with a small church in the inner-city many attendees were mothers, she said this about the meeting:

Driving home, I had a sense that something big was happening, much bigger than Funk & I, and in the face of it, I felt very small. But, as corny as this seems, I really felt like we were being given a chance to do some good for a lot of people – that we were being given a chance to do some good on a much bigger scale. It was almost a scary feeling, but very uplifting as well. I tell you this to say that if Funk & I prove worthy and are chosen for this task, all I can say is that we’ll do everything in our power to make this a better slice of the world for regular folks to live in.

If, given the chance, wouldn't you want to vote for someone like that? I find their humility, commitment, vision, passion, and drive inspiring. Win or lose, this campaign is something special.

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