
Sunday, March 18, 2007

All grown up

Do you ever have those days when you realize your not a kid anymore, and you don't like it? I had one of those recently. When we are younger we often live irresponsibly and in the moment, pursuing those things that make us happy right now. As we get older we have to think about others (and our budget), consider the future, acknowledge consequences and delay gratification. It's spring break week at KU, but you wouldn't know it in my life. Walking around campus the kids are all talking about the exotic locations they are going to visit, the adventures they are going to be a part of. What am I doing? The same thing I did the week before and the same thing I'll be doing the week after...studying, writing, working. I had opportunities for fun - a cruise with family to visit my brother and Mexico, an offer of a free ticket to Virginia to see a good friend. Could I accept these offers? Nope. I have work to do and Kenyon doesn't want to be left behind. As I was driving away from campus after just completing my last class before spring break, as I was reflecting on all the stories I heard of adventures and travels to be had, I got a little bit sad. I don't have a single "fun" event planned over the next week, just a lot of work ahead of me. To illustrate my point, my advanced quantitative methods course is meeting spring break week (even though University policy is to hold no classes). I will also spend hours in the library and in front of my computer working on a research paper. Why? Because I'm all grown up and the responsible thing has to trump the fun thing. Normally I'm okay with that, but this week I'd just like to be a kid again.

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