
Thursday, July 27, 2006

Puzzle Pieces

I've been working on a puzzle called the "unknown," it's not a real puzzle with a set number of pieces and a box that tells me what the end result will look like. Rather it is baby steps of faith, walking forward and not knowing where I'm going or what tomorrow might look like. Yesterday, some of those puzzle pieces came together. It's really nice when that happens.

I had a meeting with a Social Work professor at KU named Ronna. I will be working with her for the next year on a grant project. The only thing I'd been told prior to yesterday is that I'd be working on "the COPC grant." What's COPC? I didn't know. Would I like it? It really didn't matter. I'd do what I was asked to because they are paying my tuition, fees and providing a monthly stipend. In my mind it was a job and I would do the job. God provided more than a job. He provided so much more! COPC stands for Community Outreach Partnership Center. The purpose is to establish a center that works toward reducing poverty in Kansas City, KS. The original funding supported three projects; 1) low income housing with low interest loans and wealth building through a matching savings account, 2) helping at risk youth in a local high school finish school and pursue further educational opportunities, 3) encouraging civic engagement in minority populations, particularly Hispanic and Black. WOW! These are all things I am passionate about. My role in all of this will be as the business manager. Ronna asked me to establish the center. It will be my job to recruit an advisory board, work out the details of the fundraising efforts, establish independent non-profit status, increase faculty involvement and find us a location/offices. Some of you may be thinking you have no interest in these matters, but for me it was a custom designed opportunity. I LOVE it! I am made for projects like this. I don't deal well in the details. I'm a big picture, entrepreneurial kind of gal. I like a challenge, and she has certainly issued me a challenge. I thought I'd be passing the time for the next year or be someone's gopher to fulfill my GRA responsibilities, instead I will be developing skills, impacting lives, and if we do a good job there will be a center left in our wake that will continue the work. What a nice surprise!

As if that weren't enough, there was a second puzzle piece handed to me yesterday. I'm leaving my job. I gave them at least four months notice so they could hire my replacement. It has been a frustrating process. I leave in less than two weeks and they still didn't have someone. Because I was interested in getting someone good as my replacement, I went recruiting. My top choice was selected unanimously by the search committee. Yesterday, they extended an offer t0 her and she quickly accepted. We can't make a formal announcement until HR approves the deal, but she will shadow me today for New Student Orientation. I will also begin the memory dump - handing off information to her with the expectation they will approve her application.

It was a good day. I was given a clearer picture of where I'm going, and the void I'm leaving behind is being filled by someone I trust and respect. I feel free to move on, further in to the unknown.

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