
Tuesday, June 20, 2006


There is a strange weather phenomenon that happens sometimes in the Midwest. It rains with no clouds. Yesterday was the second time in my brief history in Kansas that it happened. The sun was shining. In fact, it was hot. The sky was blue. Raindrops were falling from the air. What?!! It's called "extreme humidity." At some point the atmosphere has so much moisture it rains with no clouds. I'm not a meteorologist, I think it is rather odd and somehow defies the laws of nature as I understand them. As I was standing in the parking lot looking around in awe. I accidentally said out loud, "how strange is that?" A woman walking near me responded, "weird isn't it?" Yup, it is absolutely one of the wierdest things I've seen! I thought those of who you don't live in humidity would find it as fascinating as I do.

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