
Sunday, June 18, 2006

Parkville River Jam

Last night a group of about 15 friends attended the Parkville River Jam in Parkville, MO. This is one of my favorite summer festivities. I've attended annually for about four or five years. Parkville is a quaint little city located on the outskirts of KC. It is fun just to walk their main street and look at the shops. They have an excellent mini-golf course. My favorite in the city. It's built in to the side of a large hill for an added athletic challenge. Smile! I visit Parkville at least three times a year; the River Jam, Fourth of July, and Christmas on the River. The River Jam is a Jazz fest, art fair in one. We bring blankets and chairs. Set them in the lawn near the stage with a beautiful view of the river. There are food vendors and booths set up for local artists. We usually bring a picnic dinner to share, then folks wander off to walk main street Parkville or look at the art. It is always a good time. Last night there was some added suspense - was it going to rain? If so, how bad? Should we cancel or brave the storm? I wasn't going to let a little water scare me away from a cherished tradition. We did however pack up about 10 pm, the band announced a large thunderstorm was scheduled to arrive in our area in about 10 minutes. When it arrived, it was like the skies opened up and dumped water, but it didn't ruin our good time. Mark your calendars for next year.

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