
Thursday, June 22, 2006

Road Trip

This week I made a spontaneous decision to join Fiona and her family (husband, two kids, and parents from Australia) on a road trip in New Mexico. Who knew I'd be back so soon? I'm going to see sights I've never visited - even though I grew up there. We will drive through Kansas to Colorado then in to Northern New Mexico. We will visit Taos and then head in to Santa Fe, my home town. We'll see the sights in Santa Fe and continue on to Albuquerque and Southern New Mexico. I look forward to visiting Carlsbad Caverns and White Sands - two prominent landmarks I'm eager to see. The highlight of the trip will be jumping out of an airplane. That's right, I'll be taking my second flying leap out of an airplane. I will be doing this daring act to commemorate Fiona's 35th b-day. I'm looking forward to it. I describe the experience as the closest a human being can get to flying. Up, up and away!

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